Wellness Your Way
Wellness and reward programs are created to promote a healthy lifestyle and more productive workforce. More and more employers are willing to give wellness programs a try because research shows they can not only improve employee physical health but lessen overall stress. Some businesses go all in, while others offer wellness perks on a smaller scale. What’s important is that you’re thinking about employee health and recognizing the role wellness can play among your workforce and your bottom line.
Employee Work/Life Balance Assistance
There really is no wrong or right way to do a wellness program, and that's a good thing. Wellness should be tailored and made relevant to your employees. Many wellness plans offer preventative services like bio metric screenings, smoking cessation, physical activity and health education.
Some wellness programs not only focus on the physical aspect, but are meant to help alleviate the stress of every day life. Wellness Programs can offer assistance with daily needs and provide customized referrals - saving employees and their household members time, effort, and stress.
Tickets to shows/games, local gyms, community youth programs, home repair...
Nannies, family day care, day care centers...
Home healthcare providers, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, community-based programs...
Employee Guidance
Research continues to support the importance of a holistic healthy lifestyle, however, wellness programs have expanded to address health on multiple levels. Many wellness programs now address things like emotional well-being, mental health and financial wellness. Some have extended into the home to assist with household responsibilities and family obligations.
Access to free 30-minute consultations with financial counselors and attorneys on issues such as real estate, retirement planning, divorce and separation, budgeting/debt reconstruction, and trusts and estates.
Website links to the best of the web resources, including thousands of articles, tip sheets, calculators, checklists on work and life-event topics.
Employer Assistance
Some programs even provide guidance for employers/managers. They may offer consultations to help management gain a broader perspective. They can also provide assistance with organization, employee evaluations, difficult employees and even team building.
Wellness Made Surprisingly Easy
Wellness programs don't have to cause extra stress—that would actually defeat the purpose. With the vast amount of credible health information online, and the emergence of companies dedicated to employee health, wellness programs are easier to manage than ever before.
Learn more about these type of Wellness Programs like Humana's Go 365.